Saturday, November 29, 2014

Small Business Saturday

I love the idea of Small Business Saturday - and being one - I thought I would make a little offer.... ready?

Book a Quilt Saturday(11/29) or Sunday(11/30) – to be Quilted between January 1st and February 28th 2015.

When that quilt is returned to you – you will receive a 20% off coupon for another quilt to be completed in 2015.

How it works:

Email me today and book your quilt. ( Alycia Quilts @ Gmail. Com)

All quilts must be to me, in my studio between December 15th,  2014 and January 20th, 2015

Quilts will be returned no later than February 28th, 2015 – along with a Coupon for 20% off another Quilt!!

Ta - da!!